See-through polycarbonate enclosures permit inspection and data gathering without exposing electronics to harmful environments
Said to be the first completely translucent NEMA-rated enclosures, the BT Series lets users see inside the case from every direction without removing the cover. Thus personnel can read indicators and inspect for moisture without opening the case, resulting in greater environmental protection of the electronic components inside and less risk of damaging the cover’s silicon gasket.
Made of a translucent UV-stabilized polycarbonate plastic with a blue tint and UL94-V2 flammability rating, the enclosures meet NEMA 1, 2, 4, 4X, 12, and 13, IEC52/IP 65, and UL508-4X specifications, making them suitable for wet, dry, and corrosive environments. Cover-attaching screws and holes for wall mounting are outside the sealed area to further reduce the possibility of moisture or dust contamination.
The cases are available in seven sizes, ranging from 4.53 x 3.54 x 2.17 in. to 11.81 x 9.06 x 3.39 in. Most models have internal guide slots for mounting PCBs vertically, while their internal bosses allow horizontal board mounting or connecting terminals to threaded brass inserts.
Customization, including custom holes and gasketing, is available. (From $19.15 ea/300available now.)
Bud Industries , Willoughby , OH
Sales 440-946-3200
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