Netflix, the popular movie and TV show streaming service, has released a set of instructions that details how to create a pair of socks that pauses the program you’re watching if you happen to fall asleep while watching it.
On its site, the company described the unique piece of wearable technology as a “DIY project inspired by you.”
“Sometimes a show is so good, you just can't stop. And the next thing you know, zzzzz,” the movie and TV show streaming service wrote on its website.
“Netflix socks detect when you've dozed off and send a signal to your TV, automatically pausing your show. Never again will you binge-watch yourself to sleep, only to wake up two seasons later wondering what happened,” it added.
Now, it should be noted that this is not a project for the mainstream public — it’s geared for the early-stage DIY’er and those active in the maker community. In short, it requires a basic understanding as to how to assemble electronic components, wire together various circuits, and program the software that actually runs the sensor—and that’s not even mentioning the fact that one should also have an understanding as to how to stitch (or at least have the patience to learn how to).
Making the case for how complicated these socks can get, below is the circuit diagram from the instructions:
Netflix writes that the science behind their proposed piece of wearable technology is based on “actigraphy”:
“An accelerometer detects when you've stopped moving for a prolonged period of time and triggers a signal to your TV that pauses Netflix,” it writes. “When it detects that you've dozed off, an LED light in the cuff of the sock flashes red, warning that the pause signal is about to be sent to your TV. Any motion will stop it from firing.”
A link to the full set of instructions is located at the end of this article, but the short version as to what’s described is as follows:
Step 1: Knit the socks. Netflix includes a link to a bunch of different designs that are fun and retro, but if knitting isn’t your forte, the company suggests simply using a pair of socks you already own.
Step 2: Build the sensor. In order to do this, you’ll need an Arduino micro controller, IR LEDs, LED indicator light, battery, momentary button, accelerometer, and a piece of felt to host everything together. Netflix includes links on their site as to where each component can be ordered, and the total purchase of these parts is $60+.
Step 3: Build the electronics and begin programming. Here, Netflix describes how to piece all of the electronics together, and then goes in to what codes need to be programmed in order for the technology to actually work. All scripts are provided via the site.
Step 4: Embed the sensor into the sock. Perhaps the easiest step, this part describes where to place the sensor in the sock so that it accurately reads your body’s actions, and responds accordingly.
Extra steps are available at this point, including how to add a pulse sensor to the toe of the sock in order to detect a change in hear rate — the theory behind doing this is to increase the sock’s accuracy.
A promo video showing the socks in action can be seen below:
Now, before we all buy in to stitching together wearable remote controls for our TV sets, there are some things to note about these socks. For one, you can’t have your feet below a table or under a blanket—basically in any sort of position that might block the footwear from sending a signal to the TV.
There’s also the whole issue of washing these socks. The instructions call for the electronics to be sewn into the socks. So, you have two choices when they begin to smell — you can either forego washing them entirely, or you can take the electronics out, wash the socks, and then re-stitch them in before you start your next binge session of House of Cards.
Lastly, if you stir in your sleep — whether it’s constantly repositioning your legs, kicking pillows off the couch, or otherwise exercise the occasional twitch here and there, the socks aren’t likely to pause the program you’re watching at the exact, right moment.
So, in conclusion, are these socks more marketing novelty than useful tailor-ship? Yes. But it is a fun, unique project that mainstreams DIY technology and maker ideas in general, and that’s something we can all get behind.
To check out the full set of instructions, head to the Netflix site.
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