New guide for reporting substances used in electronic packaging
The CEA (Consumer Electronics Association), DIGITALEUROPE, and the Japanese Green Procurement Survey Standardization Initiative (JGPSSI) recently released a new guide for reporting material and substances used in electronic product packaging. The Joint Industry Guide – Material Composition Declaration for Packaging of Electrotechnical Products – JIG-201 Ed. 1.1 is an updated version to the industry materials declaration guide for reporting the materials used to transport and protect electrotechnical products across the global supply chain. The JIG 201 Ed. 1.1 guide can be downloaded free of charge at
Substance content disclosure information is relevant because manufacturers and other purchasers require this data in order to determine the status of the packaging with respect to applicable regulation, design specifications, or other objectives. This affects the entire supply chain globally. The guide follows the existing material composition declaration guide for electrotechnical products named the “Joint Industry Guide” or “JIG 101,” and has a similar reporting format.
The JIG-201 Ed. 1.1 features minimum requirements for material declaration for electrotechnical products. This offers a list of relevant substances and their reporting thresholds and reportable applications, but also allows companies flexibility to inquire about other substances when necessary for other business needs.
In addition, the JIG 201 Ed. 1.1 is based on an interim update process which provides up-to-date regulatory and market requirements. It also covers the latest substances considered under the European Union’s Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances (“REACH”) regulation. CEA Joint Industry Guide (JIG) Secretariat Bill Belt can be reached for additional information at 703-907-5249 or
Christina Nickolas
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