The NDM3ZS-60 family of digital point of load (PoL) dc/dc modules features performance benchmarks in efficiency, power density, and transient response to address the power challenges in distributed power architectures. The topology is able to reduce switching turn-on losses by 75% and switching turn-off losses by 99% on the control FET when compared to a conventional buck converter The non-isolated modules output 60 A in vertical and horizontal packages. The through-hole vertical version measures 33.02 x 8.92 x 18.11 mm, and the horizontal version measures 33.02 x 18.11 x 7.44 mm; both are available in surface-mount or through-hole configurations.
The dc/dc modules are the first nonisolated design to incorporate the patented Solus power topology that integrates a conventional buck converter into a SEPIC converter to form a SEPIC-fed buck converter; a single-stage topology with one magnetic element, one control switch and two commutation switches that are optimally controlled by pulse-width modulation. The Solus Topology increases total efficiency by distributing the energy delivery into multiple paths, reducing circuit conduction losses by nearly 50%. Efficiency peaks at 91.3% at 12 Vdc in to 1.0 Vdc out, 50% load. Efficiency remains at 88.5% up to full load.
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