
No, microwaving your iPhone 6 will not recharge it

Fake ads are meant to trick uninformed into ruining their new devices

(*Heavy, drawn-out sigh*)

The Los Angeles Police Department has issued a formal public statement to local iPhone 6 owners to inform them that they should not be microwaving their new smartphones in an attempt to quickly charge the device.

Microwaved iphone - fire
This comes on the heels of a new — and entirely fake — online ad campaign posted to notorious online message board 4chan that claims Apple’s newest software, iOS8, has a feature called “Wave” that allows for quick charging. “Wave allows your device to be charged wirelessly through microwave frequencies,” the hoax claims. “Wave can be used to quickly charge your device’s battery using any standard household microwave.”
The directions go on to state that a near-dead phone can be charged for 60 seconds at 700 W or 70 seconds at 800 W. The ad concludes that charging time should not exceed 300 seconds.

Here it is in its entirety:

Microwaved iphone - instructions

These instructions, of course, are false. Microwaving a smartphone will not only ruin the device, it can also cause a fire or even an explosion.

“This #Wave capability is a #hoax. Don't be fooled into microwaving your #iPhone6. #Apple #Smartphone,” the LAPD communications unit tweeted.

“No metal object should ever be placed in the microwave,” said Brian Humphrey, spokesman for the Los Angeles Fire Department. “Even a little tin foil can cause a fire, so that much metal from a phone could lead to some manner of explosion.” 

While the LAFD does routinely get calls about microwave fires, none have been in response to microwaved iPhone 6’s. A few 4chan users supposedly fell for the trick, though the legitimacy of their claims has been called into question as well:

Microwaved iphone - fried

Microwaved iphone - smoke

Microwaved iphone - glow

Story via LA Times


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