The ABC200 and ABC400 open frame power supplies provide 200- and 400-W respectively, output power, and maintain 91% efficiency at 230-Vac input. The supplies target datacom/telecom and industrial applications. They have a power density of 16W/in.3 and incorporates an interleaved transition mode PFC converter and two-FET forward converters.
The power supplies feature a 90 to 264-Vac input range and single outputs of 12, 24, or 48 Vdc. The 200–W version is available in a 2 x 4–in. package and the 400–W model is provided in a 3 x 5–in. package. The supplies have protection for over-temperature, output over-voltage, over-current, and short-circuit. (Contact company for price and availability.)
By Paul O’Shea
Power-One , Camarillo , CA , United States
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