Overcoming MEMS Measurement Challenges using the TEGAM Model 9072
The Micro-Electro Mechanical R&D market has long needed a package solution for stimulation, observation, measurement, and recording of the motions of MEMS devices under test. TEGAM Inc. has recently delivered the first such system to North Dakota State College of Science.
As Micro / Nano Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS / NEMS) become increasingly smaller, researchers, students, and scientists need to come up with novel techniques to not only view, but also excite these small devices. MEMS devices serve a wide area of uses from airbag sensors to micronozzles in printers to video projection chips. The future hopes to bring more advanced devices such as micro cameras and micro engines that can be injected into the blood stream for missions such as location specific drug delivery and the clearing of arteries. Universities across the world are adopting curricula to implement MEMS based training so that the next generation of engineers and scientists are prepared for current technologies as well as what is to come on the scientific horizon.
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