Pc-board software has integrated autorouter
The Eagle pc-board CAD software program has a fully integrated autorouter
that provides 100% routing and enables the user to define his own design
rules. The autorouter can use up to 16 signal layers and can be stopped at
any time, enabling the user to perform manual routing if needed. Other
features of the software include continuous zoom and auto panning, up to
255 layers, library editing, and a choice of inch, mil, or metric grid.
The software runs on PC/AT and compatible computers with DOS 3.3 or later,
an EGA or VGA monitor, hard disk, and 640 Kbytes of RAM. (Layout editor,
schematic module, and autorouter, $399 each–available now.) CadSoft
Computer, Inc. Delray Beach, FL Erich Heckl 407-274-8355 Fax