
Pc-board software has low hardware needs

Pc-board software
has low hardware needs

Eagle 2.6, a pc-board layout and routing package, runs on IBM PC/ATs and
compatibles with 640 Kbytes of RAM, a hard disk, mouse, and EGA or VGA
monitor. The software has a schematic module, layout editor, and
integrated autorouter. Features include a maximum drawing area of
64 x 64 in., a resolution of 1 mil, full support of surface-mounted
devices, and the ability to route up to 16 layers. (Each module,
$399 apiece; demo disk, $12–available now.)
CadSoft Computer, Inc.
Delray Beach, FL
Sales 800-858-8355;
in FL, 407-274-8355
Fax 407-274-8218


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