
PCBs for Rapid Prototyping of Different Low and High-Frequency Circuit Functions (MicroAMP MB)

Twin Industries’ MicroAmp MB Series circuit boards are now available from Mouser. They are designed for rapid prototyping of many different low and high-frequency circuit functions. The boards are available for many popular MMIC amplifiers, filters, frequency dividers, multipliers, VCOs, passive circuits, and op-amps.

Twin MicroAmp MH Series

The easy-to-assemble boards use standard surface-mount components and can be turned into functional circuits in a matter of minutes. All MicroAmp MB Series circuit boards fit into the MicroAmp MH series of connectorized housings that allows them to be used as a single (MH-1) or dual-cascaded circuits (MH-2). The boards are fabricated from a high-performance 13mm RO-4350 laminate with RoHS compatible ENIG plating (electroless nickel/immersion gold) on both the component side and the solid bottom ground plane. Superior grounding to the housings is provided by securing the boards with multiple screws, says the company.


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