PCI board specification completed
The Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group (PCI SIG)
steering committee has announced the release of the final specifications
for PCI local bus expansion boards. As a result, PC users shouldn't have
to wait long for models incorporating the bus. The PCI SIG sent a
preliminary specification for PCI add-in boards to its membership for
comment last November at Comdex/Fall. The steering committee received
input on the final specification from more than 20 system and add-in board
manufacturers. The final specification has been sent to all PCI SIG
members. It includes all information necessary to build a PCI-based
system. Although the VESA Local Bus implementation dominates the PC
market (see Electronic Products, Jan., p. 17), the delay in the PCI
specification's introduction has not deterred the 100 or so mainline PC
manufacturers eager to bring the specification to prosperous fruition.
According to Dave Schuler, marketing manager with Intel's Architecture
Development Lab, “With the growing list of production-ready components, we
can expect to see systems with PCI local bus shipping by the end of this
quarter.” The release comes as part of the PCI Release 2.0 specification
and contains future support for devices that operate at lower voltage
signalling levels. For more information on PCI and the PCI SIG call
503-696-2000, or .
–Patrick Mannion
“With the growing list of production-ready components, we can expect to see
systems with PCI local bus shipping by the end of this quarter.” –Dave
Schuler, marketing manager with Intel's Architecture Development Lab