
PCIe 14-bit digitizers take 50 Msamples/s

The four-input-channel UF2e-4032 and two-input-channel UF2e-4031 14-bit digitizer cards for PCI Express are able to take 50 Msamples/s on each channel simultaneously using per-channel ADCs, and store readings in a standard 128-Msample memory that is optionally expandable to 2 Gsamples. Data can be continuously streamed to a host PC at rates greater than 120 Msamples/s.

Options include dual-timebase sampling, synchronous digital inputs, asynchronous digital I/O, and the ability to synchronize hundreds of channels. The channels’ –3-dB bandwidth is >25 MHz, and they provide selectable 50-Ω or 1-MΩ input, six input ranges from ±200 mV to ±10 V, a greater-than 70.5-dB SNR, and less-than −73.0-dB THD. (Four-channel, $7,399; two-channel, $4,899 — available now.)

Strategic Test , Woburn , MA
Bob Gilbert 617-621-0080


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