The IPS20 and IPS21 power management ICs help simplify the design of secondary based feedback and protection circuit implementations and are suited for controlling voltage and current on the secondary of an isolated power system. The 3 mA operating current is provided through a pull-up resistor to a secondary voltage for the internal 4-V shunt regulator. The IPS20 and IPS21 are typically combined with a power controller on the primary-side of an isolated power conversion system, such as ac/dc or dc/dc power converters, battery chargers or LED lighting.
The ICs provide a dual error amplifier for monitoring two signals. The voltage reference is trimmed to 1.2 V with a temperature drift of ±3 to 6 mV from -40°C to 85°C. ($0.26 to $0.28 ea/1,000 — available now.)
ASIC Advantage , Sunnyvale , CA
Sales 408-541-8686
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