The PE99151, PE99153 and PE99155 are radiation-hardened UltraCMOS-based PoL dc/dc buck regulators. The highly integrated devices, are the company’s initial offering for power management designs and use CMOS-on-sapphire technology and target high reliability space applications.
The dc/dc synchronous buck regulators replace traditional multi-chip modules that power FPGA, DSP, ASIC and SRAM power management designs. They feature single event effects immunity to a linear energy transfer >90 MeV•cm2/mg and radiation hardness >100 kRad (total dose tolerance). The regulators are suited for space, defense and commercial/industrial applications such as space systems, military radios, radar, engine control module, down hole drilling. The devices operate from a 5-V bus rail and provide an output voltage of 1.0 to 3.6-V supply rails for analog, digital and RF payloads while delivering up to 2, 6 or 10-A of continuous output current. The devices operate over an input voltage range of 4.6 to 6 V with a switching frequency range from 100 kHz to 5 MHz, achieving peak efficiency >93%. They are offered as die or in the 32–lead ceramic QFP package. (Sampling now with flight parts available in July).
By Paul O’Shea
Peregrine Semiconductor , San Diego , CA
Sales 858-731-9400
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