The C5800HV power converter series provides up to 3,000-Vdc output while generating up to 12 kW of output power. The converter suits applications that require running dc through hundreds of miles of cables from remote sites to loads at distant locations.
The converter features five standard dc–input voltage options that span a range from 80 to 800 Vdc. The ac–input models offer one-phase or three-phase options as well as battery-charging models. Single output voltages extend from 12 to 3,000 Vdc and are adjustable and load regulated to 0.2% and line-regulated to 0.1%. The converters have an operating temperature from –20° to 75°C, and an optional –40° to 75°C version. (Contact or 508-881-7330 for price and availability.)
Schaefer , Ashland , MA
Sue Gillogly 508-881-7330
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