Power integrity tool targets high-speed PCBs
The CR-5000 Lightning Power Integrity Advance tool is used for concurrent analysis of power and dc noise effects and electromagnetic interference as an integral part of the PCB design flow. The tool enables PCB designers to perform advanced power integrity analysis for ac and dc power distribution noise at any point during the physical design process.
As the PCB layout progresses, the engineer is able to get immediate feedback on the effect of design decisions for each power distribution network in the design. With this tool, ac and dc power analysis is combined in a single environment. Ac analysis assists decoupling capacitor selection and verifies detailed plane impedance. Dc analysis identifies unintended design features that reduce supply voltages below specification when they reach ICs. This solution is an add-on to the CR-5000 Lightning design environment and part of the company’s integrated CR-5000 enterprise-wide PCB design flow. (Contact company for pricing available now.)
By Christina Nickolas
Zuken , Westford , MA
Sales 978-692-4900
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