Suited for compact portable devices, especially where a supercapacitor is used for backup supply operation, the RV-2123-C2 RTC typically draws just 130 nA at 3.0 V. Features include a 1.1 to 5.5-V operating range, an SPI-Bus, and an aging rate of 3 ppm max for the first year.
The SON 10-pin ceramic package contains a built-in 32.768-kHz tuning fork crystal, matched with a CMOS-based oscillator and real-time-clock circuitry. At room temperature, frequency and timekeeping is within ±10 ppm or within ±20 ppm at 25°C. A user-programmable frequency offset compensation register can be used to improve time accuracy. ($1.80 ea/10,000 — 10 to 12 weeks ARO.)
Micro Crystal, Grenchen, Switzerland
Information 011-41 32 655 8282
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