The TK80C186EB drop-in replacement for the discontinued Intel 80C186EB MCU integrates commonly used system peripherals with an 186 CPU core. The IC has a 128-channel programmable interrupt controller, three programmable 16-bit timer/counters, two serial channels, two parallel ports, and 10 programmable chip selects with wait-state generators.
The 80-pin SQFP- or 84-pin PLCC-packaged IC has a 16-bit external bus and operates at 25 MHz at 5 V or 16 MHz at 3 V from –40° to 85°C. Supply current is 91 ma at full speed, with a 100-µA shutdown mode. (From $9.65 ea/100 — available now.)
Tekmos , Austin , TX
Sales 512-342-9871
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