Product Update: A/D and D/A converters
Here is a sampling of recently introduced converter ICs
8-bit flash A/D and triple D/A for video
The VP101 is a triple 8-bit video D/A converter that is available in 30-
and 50-MHz speed grades. It is offered as a second source for Brooktree
Corp.'s BT101. The VP1058 is an 8-bit flash A/D converter that runs at 25
MHz. It is a pin-for-pin replacement for TRW's TRW1058, Sony's 1096P, and
National Semiconductor's ADC0881. The devices are available in 28-
(VP1058) and 40-pin (VP101) packages. (The VP1058 and VP101 are $6.95 and
$9.95 ea/1,000, respectively -stock.) GEC Plessey Semiconductors Scotts
Valley, CA Steve Brightfield 408-438-2900
8-bit flash A/Ds convert at up to 500 Msamples/s
The CXA1166K and CXA1276K are 8-bit ultra-high-speed flash A/D
converters. They have conversion rates of 250 and 500 Msamples/s,
respectively, with a guaranteed error rate of less than 10
per second.
The bipolar devices can accept analog input up to 250 MHz, and their
digital I/O levels are compatible with ECL 100K/10KH/10K. Typical power
consumption from a single -5.2-V supply is 1.7 W for the CXA1166K and 3.1
W for the CXA1276K. The devices are available in 68-pin ceramic LCC
packages. (The CXA1166K/1276K are $175 and $300 ea/100, respectively
-available now.) Sony Corp. of America Cypress, CA Information
800-288-SONY Fax 714-229-4333
A/Ds for measurement of dc signals
Intended for measurement of dc signals in remote or loop-powered
applications, the CS5505/6/7/8 A/D converters each include a delta-sigma
charged-balanced converter, voltage reference, calibration microcontroller
with SRAM, digital filter, and two serial interface modes. The devices
dissipate 1.5 mW with single-supply operation, 3 mW with dual supplies,
and 10 μW in sleep mode.
The integral linearity of the 16-bit CS5505/7 and 20-bit CS5506/8 is
+/-0.003% and +/-0.0015% full scale, respectively. The CS5505/6 include a
four-channel pseudo-differential multiplexer while the CS5507/8 have
single-channel true differential inputs. The converters come in 20-
(CS5507/8) and 24-pin (CS5505/6) DIPs and SO packages. (The CS5505/6/7/8
are from $11.80, $13.60, $7.90, and $9.50 ea/1,000, respectively
-available now.) Crystal Semiconductor Corp. Austin, TX Mike Paquette
512-445-7222 Fax 512-445-7581
20-bit audio D/A uses delta-sigma-based technology
The SAA7350 is a 20-bit D/A converter that uses Bitstream technology for
decoding digital audio. It provides a choice of two system clock
frequencies, which are synchronized to the sampling frequency, fS .
While fS can vary from 16 to 53 kHz, the clock frequency can be
either 256 or 384 times fS with internal oversampling factors of 128
or 192 times fS .
With a 0-dB 16-bit input signal, the SAA7350 has a combined THD and SNR
of -93 dB. With a -20-dB 16-bit input, the combined THD and SNR is -75 dB.
When used with the company's TDA1547, the SAA7350 offers THD + N of -104 dB,
linearity deviation of less than 0.2 dB for input signals between -60 and
-120 dB, and digital silence of -110 dB. The SAA7350 operates from a +5-V
supply and comes in a 44-pin quad flatpack. (The SAA7350 and TDA1547 are
$26 and $17.50 ea/100, respectively -available now.) Signetics Co.,
Sunnyvale, CA Craig Aine 408-991-2111
Device packs equivalent of four analog chips
The ML2377 is an analog I/O peripheral for DSP-based control systems. It
includes a 10-bit A/D converter, two D/A converters (10- and 8-bit
resolution), a six-channel input multiplexer, and two simultaneous
sample-and-hold channels.
The ML2377's A/D converter and D/A converters have conversion times of 2
microsecond, and a maximum differential nonlinearity of +/-1 LSB at the
specified resolution. The device operates from a +5-V supply, and can be
customized to fit specific requirements. Another version of the chip, the
ML2375, has a four-channel multiplexer. The devices come in 44-pin QFPs
(ML2377) and 28-pin SO packages (ML2375). (The ML2377/75 are $6.50 and $5.
95 ea/1,000, respectively -available now.) Micro Linear Corp., San Jose,
CA David Wong 408-433-5200
Converter subsystem integrates S/H amp with 500-kHz 16-bit A/D
The ADC4345 is a complete 16-bit 500-kHz A/D converter subsystem.
Employing a two-pass subranging architecture, the device includes a
precision voltage reference, a 16-bit linear D/A converter, all necessary
timing circuitry, and a low-noise sample-and-hold amp.
Capable of digitizing a 250-kHz signal at a 500-kHz rate, the ADC4345
has a SNR of 95 dB from dc to 100 kHz, and peak distortion of -99 dB at
100 kHz. In addition, the device has a step response of 800 ns and a
maximum guaranteed noise specification of 50 microvoltsrms. The ADC4345
operates from +/-5- and +/-15-V supplies, and comes in a 3.5 (L) x 2.5 (W)
x 0.44 (H)-in. package. ($460 ea/100–stock.) Analogic Corp., Peabody,
MA Don Travers 508-977-3000, ext. 2089 Fax 508-532-6097
Monolithic 12-bit A/Ds convert at up to 30 Msamples/s
The SPT7910/12/20/22 family of monolithic 12-bit A/D converters has
sample rates from 10 to 30 Msamples/s. The 10-Msample/s SPT7910 and
30-Msample/s SPT7912 have ECL-compatible I/Os; the 10-Msample/s SPT7920
and 30-Msample/s SPT7922 have I/Os that are compatible with TTL and CMOS
logic levels.
The devices have a 5-pF input capacitance and a 67-dB SNR for a 500-kHz
input. The SPT7912/22 are rated up to 40 Msamples/s at slightly relaxed
specifications to accommodate high oversampling applications. The
converters operate from +5- and -5.2-V supplies, and provide an input
voltage range of +/-2 V. The SPT7910/12 and SPT7920/22 dissipate less than
1.4 and 1.1 W, respectively, and come in 32-lead CerDIPs. (The SPT7910/20
and SPT7912/22 cost $150 and $250 ea/100, respectively -stock.) Signal
Processing Technologies, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO Information
12-bit 20-Msample/s A/D has 70-dBc SFDR
The AD9034 is a 12-bit 20- MSample/s A/D converter that is optimized for
wideband applications. It has a guaranteed 70-dBc spurious-free dynamic
range for input signals up to 9.6 MHz.
The AD9034 has a minimum SNR of 65 dB at 1.2 MHz, no-missing-code
performance to 12 bits, and typical gain error of +/-0.5% of full scale.
The device dissipates 4.5 W from +5- and -5.2-V supplies. It is available
in 40-pin CerDIPs and flatpacks. ($715 ea/100–4 to 6 weeks ARO.) Analog
Devices, Inc., Norwood, MA Allen Hill 919-668-9511 Fax 617-329-1241 EEM
FILE 3130
Sampling 8-bit A/D comes in SO-8 package
Packaged in an 8-pin SO package, the LTC1096 is a micropower 8-bit A/D
converter. When sampling at its maximum rate of 33 kHz, the device draws
less than 100 microamps of supply current; at a sampling rate of 1 kHz, it
draws only 3 microamps.
The LTC1096 operates from a single 3 to 9-V supply and automatically
powers down to a supply current of 1 nA typ between conversions. The
A-grade version of the device has a total unadjusted error of +/-0.5 LSB
over the 0 degrees to 70 degreesC temperature range. The converter's
three-wire serial interface connects to most MPU serial ports. (From $3.95
ea/100–available now.) Linear Technology Corp. Milpitas, CA
Information 800-637-5545 Fax 408-434-0507
12-bit sampling A/D is low in cost
The HI5812 is a 12-bit sampling A/D converter with an on-board
track-and-hold amp that digitizes 50,000 analog samples per second. The
CMOS device has a 20-microsecond conversion cycle time, including a
4-microsecond acquisition time.
The J-grade version of the HI5812 offers an integral linearity of +/-1.5
LSB with no missing codes over temperature guaranteed to 11 bits; the
K-grade version has +/-1.0 LSB with no missing codes over temperature
guaranteed to 12 bits. Typical SINAD is -71 dB and THD is -79 dBc. The
HI5812 operates from a +5-V supply and consumes less than 10 mA typ. The
device comes in 24-pin DIPs and SO packages. (From $6.95 ea/1,000–stock.
) Harris Corp., Melbourne, FL Information 800-4-HARRIS, ext. 7015 EEM
FILE 3130
12-bit 5-MHz A/D comes in 24-pin DDIP
The ADS-118/118A are functionally complete 12-bit 5-MHz sampling A/D
converters. The ADS-118 offers an input range of +/-1 V and has
three-state outputs; the ADS-118A has an input range of +/-1.25 V and
allows direct adjustment of offset and gain errors.
The devices feature a differential nonlinearity of +/-1/2 LSB, THD of
-73 dB at Nyquist, and SNR plus distortion of 66 dB at Nyquist. The
ADS118/118A dissipate 1.8 W typ from +5- and +/-15-V supplies. The
converters come in 24-pin DDIPs. (From $203 ea/large qty–stock to 6
weeks.) Datel, Inc., Mansfield, MA Tony Kierouz 508-339-3000, ext. 291
Fax 508-339-6356
12-bit D/A offers 500-MHz update rate
The DAC650 is a 500-MHz 12-bit D/A converter for high-frequency waveform
generation. It is complete with an internal reference and data latch, and
combines GaAs switches with bipolar and laser-trimmed thin-film circuitry.
The DAC650 has output rise and fall times of 500 ps, gltch energy of 20
pV*s for the major carry, and a settling time of less than 5 ns. The
device dissipates 2 W typ from +5-, -5.2-, and +/-15-V supplies. It is
available in 64-lead surface-mount ceramic chip carrier packages. (From
$250 ea/100–stock.) Burr-Brown Corp., Tucson, AZ Pat Kirk 800-548-6132
Fax 602-889-1510
+/-18-bit A/D operates with 60 microamps supply current
The MAX132 is a CMOS 18-bit-plus-sign serial-output A/D converter. It
interfaces directly to many sensors and transducers, and can resolve
+/-500-mV inputs to 2 microvolts with no intermediate signal conditioning.
The MAX132 uses a supply current of 60 microamps typ, and 1 microamps in
sleep mode. For multichannel input applications, the device has four
digital outputs, which can remotely control a MUX or PGA via the serial
interface. The MAX132 is available in 24-pin DIPs and SO packages. ($8
ea/1,000–available now.) Maxim Integrated Products Sunnyvale, CA
Information 408-737-7600, ext. 6087
Data acquisition system has four channels
The LM12454 complete 12-bit-plus-sign self-calibrating data acquisition
system is a four-channel version of the company's LM12458. It has an 8.
8-microsecond maximum conversion time and an 88-ksample/s throughput rate.
The LM12454 is characterized for 3-V operation and dissipates 30 mW max
at +5 V. It comes in a 44-pin PLCC. In addition, a design kit is available
that includes an evaluation board and software compatible with XT- and
AT-style computers. (LM12454, $29.40 ea/100; kit, $225- -available now.)
National Semiconductor Corp. Santa Clara, CA Information 800-628-7364,
ext. 213
Programmable 24-bit integrating A/D has 0.0003% total error
The ADC150 is a high-performance programmable 24-bit integrating A/D
converter that has a total error from all sources of 0.0003%. At 24 bits,
the device provides 2 ppm max nonlinearity, 0.5 ppm/ degreesC max scale
factor drift, and 0.1 ppm equivalent input noise. In addition, offset
drift is 0.1 ppm/ degreesC max.
Other features of the ADC150 include 16-to-24-bit programmable
resolution, auto zero or auto calibration, and a +/-10.48-V input range.
The converter dissipates 450 mW from +/-15- and +5-V power supplies. It is
available in hermetically sealed ceramic 40-pin DIPs. ($325
ea/100–available now.) Thaler Corp., Tucson, AZ Information
800-827-6006 Fax 602-742-9826
Octal 8-bit D/As offer high speed
The MP7641/51 are 8-channel high-speed noninverting two-quadrant
multiplying 8-bit-accurate D/A converters. The devices include an output
drive buffer per channel, a serial digital data port, and a parallel chip
address decoder (ML7651 only).
The converters' specifications include a voltage reference input
bandwidth up to 5 MHz, output settling time of 500 ns to 8-bits, and a
constant group delay of 50 ns. In addition, the devices have a
differential nonlinearity of +/-0.8 LSB, integral nonlinearity of +/-1 LSB,
and harmonic distortion of less than 1% with VREF = 3 V at 1 MHz. The
MP7641/51 dissipate 150 mW from +/-5-V supplies and come in 28-pin DIPs
and SO packages. (From $10.60 ea/100–stock.) Micro Power Systems, Inc.
Santa Clara, CA Information 408-727-5350 Fax 408-562-3605
High-speed 10-bit D/As are low in cost
The MB40730/60 10-bit D/A converters have a minimum sampling rate of 60
Msamples/s with a linearity error within +/-0.1%. The devices dissipate
180 mW, and have digital I/O levels compatible with ECL10KH (MB40730) and
TTL (MB40760).
Any one of three different reference-voltage generator circuits may be
selected for a range of output voltages. With an external reference, the
full-scale amplitude of the analog output can be varied from 0.7 to 2.2 V.
The MB40730/60 are available in 20-pin plastic DIPs and SO packages. ($9
ea/1,000–available now.) Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. San Jose, CA
Information 800-642-7616 Fax 408-432-9044
12-bit D/A converter includes bus interface
The DAC2813 is a complete dual 12-bit D/A converter with bus interface
logic. Each device includes a precision +10-V voltage reference, a
double-buffered bus interface including a reset function, and
voltage-output operation capable of swinging +/-10 V.
The DAC2813's double-buffered interface consists of a 12-bit input latch
and a D/A latch for each D/A converter. Specifications include +/-1/2 LSB
linearity error and a settling time of 6 microsecond. The device operates
from +/-12 to +/-15-V supplies and is available in 28-pin plastic DIPs.
(From $16.95 ea/100–stock.) Burr-Brown Corp., Tucson, AZ John Conlon
800-548-6132 Fax 602-889-1510
Optional item:
8-microsecond 12-bit A/D replaces AD774
The SPT774 is a monolithic version of the industry-standard 774-type A/D
converter. It has an 8-microsecond acquisition time and accepts 10- and
20-V, as well as unipolar and bipolar, input signal ranges.
The device's internal 10-V reference can supply up to 2 mA to an
external load beyond the requirements of the reference input and offset
resistors. The SPT774 dissipates 150 mW max from +5- and +12 to +15-V
supplies. It comes in 28-lead CerDIPs and LCC packages. (From $22
ea/100–stock.) Signal Processing Technologies, Inc. Colorado Springs,
CO Rick Mintle 719-540-3914 Fax 719-540-3970
Low power 14-bit 2-MHz A/D comes in 32-pin TDIP
The ADS-942A is a 14-bit 2-MHz sampling A/D converter. It is functionally
complete, including an external reference, three-state outputs, and an
internal clock.
The device's specifications include a THD of -79 dB at Nyquist and SNR
plus distortion of 76 dB at Nyquist. The ADS-942A dissipates 2.4 W from
+/-5- and +/-15-V supplies, and is available in 32-pin TDIPs. (From $272
ea/large qty–stock to 6 weeks.) Datel, Inc., Mansfield, MA Tony Keirouz
508-339-3000, ext. 291 Fax 508-339-6356
12-bit A/D has 500-ksample/s throughput rate
The MAX120 is a complete 12-bit sampling A/D that offers a 1.
6-microsecond conversion time and 350-ns acquisition time. With a 100-kHz
input, the device has a minimum SINAD of 70 dB and a maximum THD of -75
The MAX120 has an integral nonlinearity of +/-1 LSB and no missing codes
over temperature. In addition, it can acquire, digitize, and write digital
results to both DMA ports and FIFO buffers with no external control
signals. The device is available in 24-pin DIPs and SO packages. (From $25
ea/1,000–samples available now.) Maxim Integrated Products Sunnyvale,
CA Information 408-737-7600, ext. 6087
Hybrid 12-bit A/Ds operate to 20 Msamples/s
Two hybrid 12-bit A/D converters operate at 15 (CLC935) and 20 Msamples/s
(CLC936). The devices have a differential linearity of 0.7 LSB and a
spurious-free signal range of 77 dB (7.22-MHz input) and 71 dB (4.97-MHz
input), respectively.
The CLC935/936 are complete A/D converter subsystems, and include a
135-MHz input amplifier, track-and-hold amp, two-pass subranging A/D,
error-correction, and offset and gain adjustments. The devices operate
from +5-, -5.2-, and +/-15-V supplies and are available in 40-pin DIPs.
(The CLC935 and CLC936 are from $650 ea/100 and $750 ea/100,
respectively–available now.) Comlinear Corp., Fort Collins, CO Alan
Hansford 303-226-0500 Fax 303-226-0564
10- and 12-bit monolithic D/As are offered as industry's fastest
The AD9712B/13B (12-bit) and AD9720/21 (10-bit) monolithic D/A converters
are optimized for direct digital synthesis. The AD9712B (ECL) and AD9713B
(TTL) operate at encode rates of 100 and 80 Msamples/s, respectively; the
AD9720 (ECL) and AD9721 (TTL) operate at corresponding word rates of 400
and 100 Msamples/s, respectively.
The AD9720/21 guarantee 1.5 pV-s glitch impulse, 4.5-ns settling time,
1,000-V/μs slew rate, and 75 dBc SFDR for 2.02-MHz signals at 100
Msamples/s. The AD9712B/13B have 28 pV-s glitch impulse, 27-ns settling
time, and a differential nonlinearity of 0.5 LSB; SFDR is 72 dBc for a 5.
055-MHz input sampled at 20 Msamples/s. All the devices come in 28-pin
DIPs and PLCC packages. (The AD9712B/13B, AD9721, and AD9720 are from $35,
$40, and $79 ea/100, respectively -stock.) Analog Devices, Inc., Norwood,
MA David Buchanan 919-668-9511 Fax 617-329-1241