Production-ready single-chip WiMAX RF xceiver is industry’s first
Part enables worldwide bandwidth support
Ideal for 802.16d/e fixed and mobile WiMAX, dual-mode WiMAX/Wi-Fi, Korean WiBro, and future 4G LTE systems, the MAX2837 WiMAX transceiver is offered as the industry’s first production-ready single-chip RF transceiver for 2.3 to 2.7-GHz wireless-broadband systems. The company also claims that because of its zero-IF architecture, the device saves over 50% BOM cost over existing two-chip superheterodyne solutionseliminating the costly SAW filter and extra VCO required, all without sacrificing performance.
The device features a 2.3-dB receiver noise figure, -11-dBm input IP3, –40-dBc integrated VCO phase noise, and 250–mW power consumption. The receiver EVM is better than –35 dB, and sideband suppression is greater than 45 dB.
On the transmitter, the MAX2837 delivers 0-dBm linear output with 64-QAM signal, greater than 45-dB sideband suppression, and better than –36-dB EVM while meeting a –70-dBr spectral mask. Housed in a 48-pin TQFN package, the part operates from a 2.7 to 3.6 V, consumes 10 µA in shutdown mode, and features a compatible SPI interface. (From $8.38 ea/1,000—available now.)
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