Braunschweig, Germany – 25th March 2014. Prof. Dr. Ing. Rolf Ernst, a Symtavision Board member, has been honored by the European Design Automation Association with its 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award. Rolf Ernst will be presented with the Award at the plenary session of the 2014 DATE Conference, to be held in Dresden, Germany from 24th to 28th March 2014.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Ernst
The EDAA Lifetime Achievement Award is given to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the state of the art in electronic design, automation and testing of electronic systems during their career. In order to be eligible, candidates must have made innovative contributions which had an impact on the way electronic systems are being designed.
Rolf Ernst’s theoretical work into compositional system-level performance analysis at the Technische Universität Braunschweig forms the basis of Symtavision’s SymTA/S tool suite. He has been instrumental in the commercialization of the SymTA/S technology through the creation of the university spin-out, Symtavision, together with members of his research team Marek Jersak (now Symtavision CEO) and Kai Richter (now Symtavision CTO). SymTA/S is used for system-level performance analysis for advanced vehicle functions including active safety, advanced driver-assist, body control and hybrid powertrain, and is now a de facto standard for automotive network design worldwide, with customers such as Toyota, Volkswagen, GM, Daimler, Audi, BMW, and many others. As a Board member of Symtavision, he continues to collaborate with the company on hot-topics including migration to Ethernet-based in-vehicle networks and migration of embedded real-time software from single-core to multi-core ECUs.
Rolf Ernst is also known for his many contributions to embedded systems, starting with pioneering work in HW/SW co-design (COSYMA system), work on models of computation (SPI model) as well as embedded architectures for high-performance applications utilizing these models (e.g. FlexWave). Recently, his research has extended to safety- and mixed-critical systems, again with work in hardware and software architectures, formals methods and tools.
Rolf Ernst received his diploma in Computer Science and the Ph.D. (with Honors) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. After two years at Bell Laboratories, Allentown, USA, he became Professor at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany, where he chairs the Institute of Computer and Network Engineering. He was the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering from 1999 to 2001.
He has chaired major conferences, such as ICCAD, DATE, Codes, EMSOFT and ECRTS. He helped to shape DATE as a General and Sponsors Chair and by establishing and chairing the Embedded Software Track for many years. For more than a decade, he served in several positions in the DFG (German NSF). He is a member of several national and European roadmap teams and served as a reviewer, consultant and advisory board member for U.S. and European funding and research organisations. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the German Ministry of Economics and Technology for high-tech entrepreneurship programs. He is an IEEE Fellow, a DATE Fellow, and served as an ACM SIGDA Distinguished Lecturer. He is member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering.
Past recipients of the European Design Automation Association Lifetime Achievement Award are: Kurt Antreich (2003), Hugo De Man (2004), Jochen Jess (2005), Robert Brayton (2006), Tom Williams (2007), Ernest Kuh (2008), Jan Rabaey (2009), Daniel Gajski (2010), Melvin Breuer (2011), Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (2012) and Peter Marwedel (2013).