Programmable battery charger IC comes in 3-pin TO-220 package
Optimized for the emerging 3-V systems being designed, the DS1633 battery charger IC was introduced as the industry's smallest battery charger. The IC's size and flexibility combined to make it one of last year's more interesting such products.
The DS1633 combines all the circuits required for charging a rechargeable NiCd or lithium battery pack in a single 3-pin TO-220 package. The device meets a variety of charging requirements without the need for external configuration resistors, capacitors, FETs, or precision voltage references.
The DS1633 can be configured to charge a one- to three-NiCd-cell battery pack or a single rechargeable 3-V lithium cell at a maximum current of 100 mA. In addition, the device charges quickly, but does not overcharge; upon power-up, it continues to charge the battery at maximum current until it reaches the specified cutoff voltage or until charging time exceeds a preset limit.
Users can design the DS1633 to meet the specifications of a particular battery pack using a PC software design tool provided by the company. The software converts the load line specifications for the battery pack to be charged to specifications for the charger and transfers them to the chip. Characteristics like maximum charging current, level or charging current with respect to battery voltage, maximum charging time, and level and frequency of trickle charge are all stored in an on-board EPROM memory array.
The DS1633 incorporates a time base that can be used to terminate standard charge at a user-defined length of time. It also provides the ability to pulse trickle charge after the standard charge is complete. Pre-programmed DS1633s that have been tailored to meet requirements of specific cells and battery pack types are available. ($4.26 ea/100–stock.)
Dallas Semiconductor, Dallas, TX
John Adams 214-450-0448
Fax 214-450-0470
The software-programmable DS1633 battery charger IC provides all the circuitry needed to charge NiCd and lithium batteries in a 3-pin TO-220 package.
Product Name: DS1633 Battery Charger
Contact: (Ms.) Syd Coppersmith
Title: Marketing Communications Manager
Address: Dallas Semiconductor, 4401 South Beltwood Parkway, Dallas, TX, 75244