Mendham, NJ February 12, 2013 The Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) Packaging Committee is sponsoring an Industry Session at APEC 2013 titled “Key Component Technologies for Power Electronics in Electric Drive Vehicles.” The session will take place on Tuesday, March 19, 2013, from 8:30 AM to noon at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, California. Presenters from Transphorm, CREE, Oak Ridge National Labs, National Renewable Energy Labs and GE will focus on new and evolving component technologies that are critical for power electronics in electric drive vehicles.
Electric drive vehicles present daunting requirements for designers of power electronics and for the component technologies that enable them, including meeting the performance, cost and reliability targets established by the DoE Vehicle Technology Program for the traction drive system for electric vehicles. The component technologies essential to success in the electric drive vehicle market are also key to other markets, such as aerospace and military, which also must deal with harsh environments and the increasing number of power electronics being used in applications.
During the session on electric drive vehicles, experts from industry and research will provide attendees an overview of the current and emerging component technologies that will help them to meet these demanding challenges.
This PSMA-sponsored Industry Session will not only be very informative but will also provide an opportunity for attendees to interact with other professionals who are active in this area and learn about innovative component solutions key for success in this market. Ernie Parker of Crane Aerospace & Electronics and Brian Narveson of Narveson Consulting, co-chairs of the PSMA Packaging Committee, encourage APEC attendees to register and attend this valuable Industry Session, and to consider participating in the other PSMA-sponsored meetings during the week.
PSMA is a non-profit professional organization with the objective of enhancing the stature and reputation of its members and their products, and improvement of their technological power sources knowledge. Its aim is to educate the electronics industry, academia, government, and industry communities as to the applications and importance of all types of power sources and conversion devices.
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