The Power Sources Manufacturers Association’s (PSMA) Energy Efficiency Committee is sponsoring an “Energy Management – Smart Microgrid” Industry Session at APEC 2017. Consisting of presentations by seven industry experts, Session IS20 will be held on Thurs., March 30th , from 2:00 p.m. to 5:25 p.m. at the Tampa Convention Center.
Smart microgrids are rapidly becoming widely accepted to manage local energy distribution for critical applications in a wide variety of industry applications. Given the importance of energy efficiency as well as critical energy management, the goal of this session is to provide an understanding of how to approach microgrid management. The scheduled Industry Session presentations include:
- “What Is a Micro-Grid?”
- “The Objectives of Energy Management in Micro-Grids”
- “Current and Future Applications for the Smart Micro-Grid
- “Smart Grid Security–Is Your Smart Grid Secured?”
- “Micro-Grids –Test & Compliance Challenges for Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Manufacturers”
- “Energy Storage Is More Than Batteries and Capacitors
- “Connecting the Dots: How Inverters Have, Can, and Should Be Used for Ancillary Services”
Co-chairs of the PSMA Energy Efficiency Committee, Dustin Baker and Ed Herbert, encourage attendees of APEC 2017 to attend this informative Industry Session and to consider participating in the other PSMA-sponsored meetings during the week.
PSMA Energy Efficiency Committee Meeting Notice
Interested individuals are also invited to participate in the PSMA Energy Efficiency Committee meeting on Tues. March 28th, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Tampa Convention Center, Room 32).
About PSMA
PSMA is a non-profit professional organization with the two-fold objective of enhancing the stature and reputation of its members and their products, and improving their technological power sources knowledge. Its aim is to educate the electronics industry, academia, government and industry communities as to the applications and importance of all types of power sources and conversion devices.