
Pushbutton on/off controller has automatic turn-on/off capabilities

Pushbutton on/off controller has automatic turn-on/off capabilities

The LTC2955 micropower pushbutton on/off controller manages 1.5 to 36 V system power via a pushbutton interface or the presence of a supply. Unlike typical pushbutton controllers that initiate system power-ups only with the toggle of a pushbutton, this part automatically turns on a system when power is applied from a primary or secondary supply, such as a wall adapter or car battery.When powered up, the device can power down a system via pushbutton and optionally can use interrrupt logic to request a system power-down in menu-driven applications, or automatically power-down a system if the supply is removed.

Pushbutton on/off controller has automatic turn-on/off capabilities

Features include a supply current of 1.2 µA, wide voltage swings of up to ±36 V, and ESD strikes up to ±25 kV. Separate versions are available for positive (LTC2955-1) or negative enable polarities (LTC2955-2).Housed in a 10-pin 3 x 2 mm DFN or 8-lead ThinSOT package, the LTC2955 has a mode select pin that enables users to select automatic turn-on and turn-off combinations. (From $1.98 ea/1,000 available now)

By Christina Nickolas

Linear Technology , Milpitas , CA
Sales Office 408-428-2050


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