
Pushbutton switch adopts OLED technology — NKK Switches

Pushbutton switch adopts OLED technology — NKK Switches

While adoption of OLED technology has been slow, its benefits over competing solutions, such as LCDs, are well accepted: lower power consumption, faster response times, support of full-motion video, higher contrast, better viewing angles, and more brilliant images. The OLED SmartSwitch (see Electronic Products , October 2008, p. 101) is poised to help in the advancement of this technology, representing one of the industry’s first pushbutton switches integrating OLED display capabilities.

Rated for 1 million actuations, the programmable switch is capable of 64-RGB x 48-pixel resolution, can display graphics for alphanumeric characters, animated sequences, and 16-bit 65,536-color video. Applications included A/V broadcast workstations, industrial control panels, and medical equipment.

NKK Switches , Scottsdale , AZ
Lee Pistor 480-991-0942


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