The NCP1234 and NCP1236 family of fixed-frequency pulse-width modulation (PWM) current-mode controllers target ac/dc adapter applications for laptop computers, LCD displays, printers, and household consumer electronics. They integrate multiple features such as overpower compensation, brownout (NCP1236 only) and ramp compensation without increasing power dissipation or adding external components.
The PWMs are available in 65- or 100-kHz frequency options, with capability to automatically recover or latch off the device during a fault condition. High-voltage dynamic self-supply (DSS) technology enables direct connection to the line voltage eliminating the need for startup resistors. They are housed in an SOIC-7 package. ($0.35 ea/10,000 — available now.)
By Paul O’Shea
ON Semiconductor , Phoenix , AZ
Sales 602-244-6600
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