Upcoming events
The 2nd International IEEE Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems will be held in Tel-Aviv, Israel, on November 9 to 11, 2009. The conference will focus on applications-oriented research and development, from antennas, devices, and components to systems and software. Visit www.comcas.org for more information.
The 2009 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) will be held on December 7 to 9, 2009 in Baltimore, MD, preceded by a day of short courses on Sunday, December 6. Topics range from deep-submicron CMOS transistors and memories to novel displays and imagers, from compound semiconductor materials to nanotechnology devices and architectures, from micromachined devices to smart-power technologies, etc. Visit www.ieee-iedm.org for more information.
Industry news
CTS Corporation announced that CTS Electronic Components has been awarded a production program from a major industrial North American manufacturer for its piezoceramic products. First deliveries of these photolithographic-processed piezo wafers will start in the third quarter 2009. Revenues from this award are expected to reach approximately $8 million over the next three to four years. The piezo products will be produced in a recently established high-tech photolithographic manufacturing operation within the Albuquerque facility. The Class 10,000 cleanroom includes semiconductor-manufacturing processes that are used to manufacture complex piezoceramic structures for emerging markets.
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