
Remaining Committed to Quality and Service as We Grow

The Latest Rev. – An Update on Advanced Assembly

Mar 27, 2014
By Kevin Ryan, President of Advanced Assembly


“Scaling is a series of balances between speed and thoughtfulness, size and simplicity, repetition and reinvention.”  This statement, and the idea of growing without losing what makes a company special, is the theme of Inc. Magazine’s March issue. It is also the focus of Advanced Assembly as we look at how to scale to meet growing demand, while remaining true to the reasons so many engineers trust us – highest quality, fastest turn times and personal service.

As the President of Advanced Assembly for a little over a year now, I’ve had the privilege of working with a dynamic team of employees who are constantly finding innovative ways to exceed customer expectations.  From a processes perspective, we continually evaluate new technologies and, when we find a solution that will significantly improve our service offering, make the investment. In the past six months we’ve added an additional My Data machine and a Vapor Reflow Oven. We’ve also expanded our manufacturing facility and reorganized the flow to streamline operations.  These actions are important in handling our planned 25-30% growth without sacrificing speed or agility.  

From a people standpoint, Advanced Assembly has always maintained the highest standards when it comes to hiring and supporting its employees. This tradition continues as we expand our teams to work alongside each customer.  In fact, we’ve recently added a new customer service department responsible for making sure questions are answered and orders are assembled to exact specifications.

Advanced Assembly was formed to give engineers machine-placed, SMT assembly for their prototypes and low-volume orders. Ten years later, we are still one of the few companies focused on this market (although many customers have us handle larger orders too). 

As Advanced Assembly moves forward, we are committed to continuous improvements across our customers’ experience.   Delivering a consistent and outstanding level of service as we grow is our goal. Although I would like to think we can execute on this commitment flawlessly, reality tends to insert a few bumps in the road. When the bumps happen, my pledge to you is that Advanced Assembly will own issues, work to make it right for the customer and, in the vein of continuous improvement, learn from its mistakes. 

We exist to help engineers bring their designs to life and we never take for granted the trust you’ve placed in us. Working together I have no doubt we can change the world while building on each other’s strengths.

Kevin Ryan
President, Advanced Assembly 


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