This post sponsored by Texas Instruments.
The RM44L520 device is a high-performance microcontroller for safety systems. The functional safety architecture includes dual CPUs in lockstep, CPU and memory BIST logic, ECC on both the flash and the SRAM, parity on peripheral memories, and loopback capability on most peripheral I/Os.
The RM44L520 integrates the ARM Cortex-R4F floating-point CPU, which offers an efficient 1.66 DMIPS/MHz and has configurations that can run up to 220 MHz. The RM44L520 supports the little-endian [LE] format. It has up to 1MB of integrated flash and 128KB of RAM configurations with single-bit error correction and double-bit error detection. The flash memory on this device is nonvolatile, electrically erasable, and programmable. The flash operates on a 3.3-V supply input for all read, program, and erase operations. The SRAM supports single-cycle read and write accesses in byte, halfword, word, and doubleword modes. The RM44L520 device features peripherals for real-time control-based applications, including two Next Generation High-End Timer timing coprocessors with up to 44 total I/O terminals, seven Enhanced PWM modules, six Enhanced Capture modules, two Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse modules, and two 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters.
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