The first mental image you get when you hear the word “robot” is a metallic device with motors, controllers, nuts, and bolts, right? Researchers at Empire Robotics have challenged this standard robotic convention by creating Versaball, a robotic beanbag-like arm. As Electronic Products first reported in 2012, the team at Empire Robotics has since bolstered its efforts to deliver a different sort of robot.
Robotics specialist John Amend has created a “jamming gripper” that consists of a green balloon filled with granules. Versaball’s grip is extremely different from any other robotic grip. The internal vacuum starts working, and there is a half a percent of contraction in the volume of the gripper, when working with the friction of the balloon, a pressurized clamp is created.
The green robot then presses down against the object wrapping it up. This creates a very strong mechanical grip. Versaball sucks the air out of the balloon. This locks the granules into position, clinching down on the object it is picking up. If a smooth area is on the object, a vacuum effect will occur with the gripper and the object. The device can pick up any kind of object weighing up to 20 pounds. Its touch is so gentile that it can even grab light bulbs.
Image via Empire Robotics
While teaching at Cornell’s Hod Lipson lab, Amend was inspired by unconventional robotic designs. Amend was particularly interested in jammable grippers and how this technology could be incorporated into his creation. Amend drew up plans for the beanbag robotic arm, and then received funding from iRobot and DARPA in 2010 to commence his project.
In 2013, Cornell became interested in Amend’s project. In 2013, his concept received grant funding, enabling the research of balloon-like membranes that could withstand in the industrial setting and with which type of engineering-grade granule the balloons could be filled. Amend’s team now consists of four people.
Image via Empire Robotics
Versaball hopes to be well received by the mass market this year. The company could potentially be integrated into factories. Amend wants his invention to eventually enter the world of prosthetics. He claims that with this technology, prosthetic arms would be created to aid workers get back on the job after suffering from an accident. “You wouldn’t put it on and go out to dinner, and it’s not very pretty,” stated Amend. “But there are a lot of times people get upper limb injuries and it’s a struggle to get back to work.”
The Versaball currently retails for $4,000.
Story via Empire Robotics, Wired, Cornell
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