Using DPX waveform image processing, midrange RSA3300B series and the RSA3408B real-time spectrum analyzers give a live view of the RF spectrum for digital RF applications such as RFID, radio communications, and spectrum management. The instruments’ spectrum processing rate — hundreds of times faster than competitors’ — provides 100% intercept probability for transients as brief as 31 μs.
Units can trigger on transients in both time and frequency domains. The 3300B series is available with either dc to 3-GHz or 8-GHz coverage, 15-MHz capture bandwidth. and 70-dB SFDR, while the 3408B has dc to 8-GHz coverage, 36-MHz capture bandwidth, and 73 dB SFDR. (From $32,900 — available now.)
Tektronix , Beaverton , OR
Information 800-833-9200
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