PikeOS 2.2 paravirtualization real-time operating system (PVOS) is based on a separation microkernel. The RTOS-partitioning system, in conjunction with its internal protection mechanisms, provides the highest available level of safety and security for applications requiring certification to standards such as DO-178B, EN 50128 or CC’s EAL.
The OS supports multiple additional operating systems and runtime environments, such as Linux, ARINC 653, and POSIX, together with their associated applications, which run concurrently or cooperatively in their own partitions. The paravirtualization capability of the system enables the combination of applications with different safety and security certification levels on one platform. It also supports hardware convergence efforts and opens the door for open-source components to be used in safety and security critical systems. (Development license, 5,000 euros—available now.)
SYSGO , Klein-Winternheim , Germany
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