
Rugged 150-A dc rectifier suits mobile needs

The Rugged Mobile 150-A dc power rectifier is a portable commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) multi-application unit designed for powering C4ISR command and control communications systems and other defense-based electronics. It accepts power from generators or community power and converts ac-power to 28 Vdc. The unit features weatherproof construction, can withstand temperatures from -40° to 60°C, and shock, vibration, sand, dust, and heavy precipitation.

ATI mobile dc rectifier

The dc rectifier includes an intelligent battery charger that delivers 28 Vdc at 10 A to a connected vehicle battery. It features a built-in soft-start, circuit protection, transient voltage suppression, automatic over-temperature shut down, remote monitoring and control, and push-to-view status indicators. Additionally, an embedded network module provides remote access to monitor critical parameters including internal temperature, current draw, and battery charge. (Call 888-588-3448 or email for price and availability.)


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