Monolithic sampling amplifier is industry's fastest
Device outperforms hybrids and other monolithics at less cost
Claimed to be the industry's fastest monolithic sampling amplifier, the
AD9101 has an acquisition time of 5, 7, and 11 ns to 8, 10, and 12 bits,
respectively. The device incorporates a high-performance sample-and-hold
amplifier with a gain-of four output amplifier, which allows the front-end
sampler to operate at low distortion levels. The AD9101 has rms spectral
noise in track mode of typically 3.3 nV/
distortion is typically -75 dBFS when operating at 50 Msamples/s with a
23-MHz sine-wave input. The device is available in 20-pin SO packages and
20-contact ceramic LCCs. ($33 ea/100–stock.) Analog Devices, Inc.,
Norwood, MA Craven Hilton 919-668-9511 Fax 617-821-4273
The 12-bit accurate AD9101 sampling amplifier outperforms all its hybrid
and monolithic competitors.