Two industry-leading events are being organized by Darnell Group to be hosted in San Jose this month and next month. Darnell’s Power Forum (DPF ‘11) will be hosted at the San Jose DoubleTree hotel September 26-28. And on the 24 & 25 of October, the 2011 Smart Grid Electronics Forum (SGEF ‘11) will co-hosted by Darnell Group and Hearst Electronics Group at the San Jose Convention Plaza hotel.
The Plenary Session at DPF ‘11 will feature senior executives from Efficient Power Conversion, Electric Power Research Institute, IBM, Qualcomm, SemiSouth Laboratories, Petra Solar, Transphorm and Cree. Plenary session topics will include new data center power architectures, advanced GaN and SiC devices, wireless charging technologies, renewable energy, and the smart grid. The overall schedule includes sessions on Digital Control, Energy Harvesting, Digital Power Applications, Case Studies, Smart Grid, Measuring Power, Power System-on-Chip, and more. In addition to a strong focus on today’s “best practices,” DPF ’11 will look forward toward next-generation solutions. This year’s program is here:
The Plenary Session at SGEF ‘11 will feature senior executives from 3eTI, Fairchild Semiconductor, FreeWave Technologies, Marvell Technology, Qualcomm Atheros, Redpine Signals, TDI Power, and Viridity Energy. Plenary session topics will include: challenges of home area networks, using Wi-Fi embedded chipsets, optimization of smart grid communications, assimilating EV/PHEV power plants into the smart grid, increasing the functionality of photovoltaic generation with local energy storage, and more. The SGEF ‘11 overall schedule includes sessions on Smart Meters & Energy Management, Connecting Equipment to the Smart Grid, Industrial Applications, Communications & Security, Integrating Renewable Generation, Applications of DC Microgrids, and more. In addition to a strong focus on today’s “best practices,” SGEF ’11 will look forward toward next-generation design solutions for electronic equipment. This program for SGEF ‘11 is here:
Don’t miss these important, exciting and high-energy opportunities to network with leading technology developers in these important areas. Registrations are being accepted for both events.
You can register for Darnell’s Power Forum at:
You can register for the Smart Grid Electronics Forum at:
Learn more about Darnell Group