
Schools in Los Angeles seek $1.3bn refund from Apple for iPad project that went awry

Members of schools district begin sending letters to company requesting refund

Apple’s iPad-based education project was an initiative started in 2013 that sought to give iPads and other devices to about 650,000 students. 

Students using iPads in the classroom
The purpose behind this giveaway, if you will, was to help poorer students keep up with wealthier peers who already had access to tablets and other computer-based study aids.

The project has been hit by a myriad of problems in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) —chief among them, and unforeseen by the company, was the students’ ability to bypass security systems on the tablets and instead use the devices for personal entertainment. As a result, the computer-based curriculum baked into the device has not been completed, and therefore, the project has been deemed a failure.

This has led to members of the LAUSD to begin sending letters to Apple stating they are “extremely dissatisfied” with the way the project has been handled; with that declaration, they are requesting a refund for the district’s investment in the project.

The LA school district initially bought 43,261 iPads from Apple. Each one came with math and English curriculum designed by educational / training firm Pearson for the students to complete during the school year. Teachers and school administration officials were also instructed to use the devices to improve lessons and the way schools were run.

An additional 77,000 iPads were bought to be used in standardized testing. 

Coupled with the devices and specialized programs, $700m of the $1.3bn program also sought to improve Internet access at the district’s schools.  

“While Apple and Pearson promised a state-of-the-art technological solution they have yet to deliver it,” said the letters sent to the two companies.

The letters follow a series of demands from the LA school district that Apple and Pearson improve the way the project was being run. In these complaints, the district said just two schools were regular users of the iPad-based curriculum, and that those that used the device intermittently reported frequent problems. 

All schools have since cut ties with the companies, and publicly stated that they do not wish to have them involved in any future developments.

The letter writing appears to be the final tactic the district is taking before launching legal action. Presently, lawyers for the school district are putting together a case against the two suppliers. 

While Apple has not responded to requests for comment, Pearson said it was “proud of our long history working with LAUSD and our significant investment in this groundbreaking initiative to transform instructional practices and raise expectations for all students”.

Additionally, the company added that there were “challenges” associated with the implementation of the project, but that it stood by the “quality of our performance”.

Worth noting: the superintendent in charge of the LA school district who drew up and oversaw the program resigned after problems with the project came to light. 



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