
Should you hold out for a perfect job?


To this day I remember December 31, 1999, when one could sense something in the air, the beginning of a new era, new life, and opportunities. No one could predict the events of so-called “generation Y” will face, from tragedy of 9/11 that brought the loss of precious lives, spiraling the society, politics, and economy into instability and volatility, to the recession that we wake up everyday for past few years. Many of my peers, including myself, were in high school then, followed by college years and a reborn sense of new era and opportunities that soon to be turned into anxiety and deprivation of hope for a dream job.

I believe every engineer in second or third year of college faces the dilemma of choosing a career path. Depending on the university and program, one has to choose the track, or industry of study. Stony Brook University Electrical Engineering Program, for example, offers choices between Telecommunications, Microelectronics, and a General Track. All of the tracks share the same core classes, generally, for the first two years. Then the electives are chosen for each appropriate Track.

Questions arise when faced with selection of Track and a career path to follow. It is not a secret that certain industries face hardships more than others because of the economic recession and the growth of a global economy. Many companies have outsourced many jobs or accepted a hire freeze. Those factors play a significant role in career choice. The difficulty of decision making that soon-to-be graduates face is either to pursue an industry that’s booming (or in our time — hiring), or pass those jobs and keep searching until the job that one wants is available. The risks exist in both decisions, as well as opportunities. I myself, had to make that decision when only one offer was on the table. However, not an industry or a career that I wanted to pursue (let alone a dream job).

By the beginning of my junior year, I was certain of the career path. I dreamt of being in the forefronts of the RF and Telecommunications field. It seemed I did everything right, from choosing the right classes, networking with professionals, being active in the student engineering societies, attending job fairs and corporate panel presentations, revising my resume for the nth time, and dropping by the University Career Center. There was, almost, a sense of illusion that all the hard work in trying to get a dream job was paying off. I have had two or three interviews within a half a year period during senior year. After anxiously waiting for an answer for a few days, I was left to settle with e-mails that explained the positions being cancelled due to program and budget cuts.

Three months away from the graduation, the pressure from time running out and awareness of the economic conditions brought awakening and desperation. One significant feature that student learns in college is that hard work pays off eventually with persistence. However, many people know there are exceptions to that rule — I got an opportunity for an interview after attending a job fair thanks to my previous internship experience and the knowledge of the hiring manager of my direct supervisor during my internship. Consequently received an offer.

One would think after receiving a job offer everything is settled, the plans are clear, and one should feel happy. It was not the case when I knew that the job and the industry was not the path I have chosen while putting blood and sweat in earning an engineering degree. The visitations to the Career Center had frequented, I had tried to reach out to the Alumni with work experience. I was seeking someone who had come across this situation. Maybe more than anything, I was seeking understanding, someone who would listen to my rationale that would eventually help make the decision. Every advice I have gotten, was either the reflection of one’s experience or the reassurance that things will sort themselves out. It did seem logical though that one door can open other doors. However, would those doors open to my dream job or, at least, an industry? A choice had to be made, take the job and settle with the thought of constantly being on a lookout for another opportunity or close this door and pick the road of constant search that comes with many hopes and frustrations.

With every choice comes opportunities and risks. As mentioned before, opening the door can lead to other doors, other opportunities. While many search for jobs, I could take the offer, gain experience, establish a work ethic and build a strong resume. I have heard one say – “it’s easier to find a job when you already have a job” or “first job does not mean it’s your last one.” Recently CNN Money article had identified most executive recruiters will not look at a candidate unless they have a job, the unemployed candidates are ruled out right off the bat. It is a very sad fact but it is becoming a common occurrence. Taking that into account, the current job market, it might be a wise decision to take any offer, considering the positives as well as the comfort of thought of the bills getting paid (not to mention the student loans that grow due to interest rates once student graduates).

However, the resent article in Bloomberg mentioned “the most recent data available… up to 28 million Americans stuck in jobs they would have left in ordinary times. That’s a lot of careers slowed and dreams deferred….” Feeling stuck in a job that you do not want is a risk worth mentioning. Waking up every morning and wishing the day would end can create stress, displeasure of life and unnecessary bitterness toward friends, family, and coworkers. You will spend an incredible amount of time attending job fairs (how would that look if you take off from work too often?), filling out job applications, and scouring career websites for the right positions. Once you do attend the job fairs, one of the main topics of conversation will most likely be projects worked during college and courses related to the position you are applying. That can be looked as a big negative if you already have a job but cannot be directly related to the position.

So you would ask, what if we wait for the job you are looking for? I have a strong faith in our entrepreneurial and innovative engineering industry. While many traditional engineering and manufacturing industries have tightened their belts on hiring entry level positions, I believe there is a strong outlook. According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be approximately 11% growth in engineering jobs in the next decade. However, a new graduate has to remember an immense value in networking with professionals. I believe majority of the jobs have been filled through referrals. That trend will not change unless current economic situation changes, which seems very unlikely to happen in a near future. If you are patient, put your name and your face out during networking events, volunteering opportunities and professional organizations, with persistence you can find a job in the industry that you have passion and aspirations. It does not have to be a dream job. The right experience is extremely valuable, especially in the world of keyword searches for the right candidates if you are applying for a new job after a year or two. In many cases, your experience and work projects can be an important topic of conversation with the recruiter at job fairs and interviews if they are closely related to a new position. The increasing trend of temp hires can also create a safety net and provide the needed experience.

Unfortunately, there are many risks involved when burning bridges after refusing a job offer. The recession has changed the hiring market and the way companies view current economy. Too many of them are cautions and have very little confidence in the recovery any time soon. Although, many engineering companies are hiring, the competition is fierce. Recent article in WSJ has indicated that government counts 4.68 unemployed workers for every job opening. I do not believe that counts all of the graduating students. I personally had to compete for one position with over 20 applicants after being trimmed down from, possibly, over 100. For the graduating engineer who is seeking a position with no offers on the table , time is the biggest enemy. I have spoken to recruiters who had mentioned that they do not even consider people who have been out of work force for over 6 months. The reality is a college graduate has to be ready to hunt for jobs for several months if they are willing to wait for the perfect job. On top of networking, key is being able to continue self-enrichment, keeping up to date with technologies, continue education and keep the knowledge learned in undergraduate school fresh in mind.

To sum this long winded analysis, how it all ended up for me — I have chosen to pick the road of accepting that only offer on the table. It was not my dream job, nor the industry that I wanted to pursue my career. It was a job that paid well and provided the opportunity to learn something new, to expand my horizon as a professional, and to boost my resume. After over a year with the company, this opportunity became a stepping stone to the job that I have now.

Everyone has to pick his or her own path. Do not be afraid to seek advice, but be cautious: I believe advice people give is a reflection of their own experience that shaped their opinions. Listen to your “engineering heart and mind,” understand your passion, have a vision and, above all, be open to learn new skills, and expand your horizons. At least, take time and think about every opportunity that comes your way and never lose hope. ■


1. Dorning, Mike, “Workers Stuck in Jobs May Decide 2012 Election,” Bloomberg , June 15, 2011,

2. Isodore, Chris, “Looking for work? Unemployed need not apply,” CNNMoney , June 16, 2010,

3. US Bureau of Labor Statistics,

4. Wessel David, WSJ Economy, “What’s Wrong With America’s Job Engine?”, July 27 2011,


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