The DRSP-I Series DC current signal splitter accepts one 4 to 20 mA current input and provides two optically isolated 4 to 20mA current outputs that are linearly related to the 4 to 20 mA current input. This provides an economical solution when one signal must be sent to two different devices. Each input has zero and span adjustments and the DRSP-I series also features output test buttons for each channel, built-in loop power supplies for sink/source I/O, split, convert boost and rescale process signals and has the ability to interface a process signal with multiple panel meters, PLCs, recorders, data acquisition, DCS and SCADA systems. Typical applications include isolation, output splitting, output device separation and redundancy (i.e. to prevent failures of the entire loop if one device fails) or a combination of these. The input signal is filtered, amplified, split, and then passed through an opto-coupler to the output stages. Full 4-way isolation makes the module useful for ground loop elimination, common mode signal rejection and noise pickup reduction. Price starts at $459.
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