Signal-processing board has dual FPGAs, DSPs
The GT-6U-VME ruggedized hybrid signal-processing board features two Altera Stratix II GX FPGAs (2SGX90 or 130), two ADSP-TS201S TigerSHARC DSPs interconnected by a 64-bit cluster bus running at 83 MHz, and up to 3 Gbytes of DDR2 SDRAM. The conduction-cooled board comes in a VME/VXS/VITA 41 form factor.
The card is said to have 5-Gbyte/s simultaneous input and output, and 14.4 GFLOPS of floating-point processing power. It implements a dual ATLANTiS framework, built into each FPGA, to interface between the FPGAs and DSPs, allocate I/O bandwidth among the individual processing units, and to handle all on- and off-board data routing. (Commercial version $14,000—shipping 2nd qtr; ruggedized version shipping 3rd qtr.)
BittWare , Concord , NH
Sales 603-226-0404
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