With the DNA-CAN-503 four-port CAN-bus interface board, card-configurable UEILogger series dataloggers not only log data from CAN serial devices, but also provide scheduled interrogation of bus devices without programming. Bus communications can be used to initiate and stop logging.
Configured with appropriate cards, the loggers can also check 12-channel ARINC-429 interfaces and RS-232/422/485 ports and accept analog as well as digital input data. The 4 x 4.1-in.-footprint loggers withstand 50-g shock, −40° to 85°C, and 0 to 70,000-ft altitudes and come in a 4.0-in.-high version with three card slots or a 5.8-in.-high model with six slots. (CAN card, $995; ARINC interface, $3,000; three-slot unit, $1,495; six-slot unit, $1,795available now.)
United Electronic Industries , Canton , MA
Bob Judd 781-713-0023
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