The HotSpot PLUS capacitive-discharge welder provides standard thermocouple welding functions as well as simple spot, stud, and pin welding. It can also aid in wire-harness strapping and insulation-blanket installation, and its controllable weld energy facilitates strain-gauge attachment. Measuring 3.5 x 8.5 x 11.5 in. (less handle) and weighing 18 lb, the welder can be moved where needed.
Stored welding energy is adjustable from 5 to 525 W-s, max charging time is less than 10 s, and actual welding time is a fraction of a second. This capability permits six or more welds a minute; welding time for ordinary gauge thermocouples is very short. Priced starting at $1,250, the welder operates from 120-V, 60-Hz line power (220-V, 50-Hz optional) and is protected by 1.5-A line breaker. The unit can also be driven by a low-power battery-to-ac converter and several optional fixturing and welding attachments are offered.
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