Smart factories, or automated and IT-driven factories, are ushering a new era of industry. The fourth industrial revolution centers on distributed factory floor intelligence tying together every individual aspect of the manufacturing and logistical process. Driven by advancements in information technology and internet connectivity, fast and robust network infrastructures transport and link data generated from the intelligence gathering tools embedded into every square inch of the factory floor.
Smart factories will increase productivity and create sustainability
Complete visibility
These 21st century factories are “smart,” producing data from every machine movement, cut, assembly and then synergizing this vast pool of information to automatically make intelligent and optimized decisions. Performance indicators can sprout from previously untouched databases, giving plant operators the means to fine-tune the production process to its utmost lean and efficient capacity; thus, rendering down-time to a minimum and squeezing every possible percent of profit.
At the heart of this ambition lies the Industrial Ethernet and the Internet-of-things; two factors responsible for the advances in visibility and communication propelling this movement.
Internet of things
The term “Internet of things” refers to a network of Internet-connected devices that are seeping into every facet of our 21st century life; factories are no exception. Through the use of embedded sensors and actuators, diagnostic data and information pertaining to the state and condition of equipment can be observed and controlled at all times. This allows the contacts, relays, field devices, motor starters, etc., to be controlled from central HMI terminals or even handheld tablets. Moreover, the vast information gathered on this scale grants factory management software access to previously unavailable parameters for more accurate decision making.
Industrial Ethernet
Leveraging such enormous information requires a durable and robust network. Unlike the Ethernet used in an office setting, Industrial Ethernet must withstand extreme temperatures, humidity, and vibrations found in plant process areas, and must also accommodate both future and legacy systems while providing enough security to eliminate unauthorized access. Very low-latency and real-time performance are key requirements to control and automate different components of an automation system.
In the past, central automation stations responsible for communicating with the various sensors and actuators throughout the plant created a bottleneck. By contrast, present-day iterations are moving the automotive processes directly onto the machines themselves with the help of Internet connectivity and Industrial Ethernet. This allows a shortening of the control loops and improved productivity.
Like technology itself, industrial communication protocols are ever evolving; they've changed multiple times over the last few decades. Plant managers will inevitably test various protocols and their impact on energy consumption and maintenance; nevertheless, a robust network is required for the information to be transported whichever location the decision making is taking place.
Smart factory solutions
This much internet warrants heavy security; software firewalls and physical gates are not enough to protect such robust industrial installations. Maxim Integrated brings 20 years of security experience into an integrated highly accurate and low-power solution. By combining an analog front-end with a robust communication and protection IP, Maxim is able to maintain robustness while increasing up-time and efficiency. Educating your factory, or creating an integrated network to make it “smart,” will ultimately reduce lag times, increase operational transparency, minimize risk, and raise productivity; thereby saving billions of dollars in global operations.
Visit Maxim Integrated to see how analog integration can distribute intelligence across your factory floor.
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