By Tom Pannell, Senior Director of IoT Products, Silicon Labs
In 2008, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) hosted a competition among lighting manufacturers to drive innovation around light-emitting diode (LED) technology, the largest advancement in lighting since Edison’s original patent.
At the time, there were only a few LED bulbs on the market available to replace incandescent bulbs, and major technical improvements were needed to accelerate LED adoption in the lighting market. The DOE competition was just what manufacturers needed to motivate and press forward with LED product advancements. Since 2008, the cost of LED bulbs has fallen by 85%, and Frost & Sullivan now estimates that LEDs will make up more than 80% of the market by 2020.
This rapid adoption of LEDs is just a glimpse of the big lighting changes that people will come to see in their homes, businesses, and daily lives for years to come. In fact, connected LED lighting systems are poised to radically change our entire indoor experience.
Today, Americans spend almost 90% of their time inside , according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This means that we spend a lot of time exposed to artificial light. For the first 140 years since the introduction of electric lighting, we didn’t ask much of our lights. They came on when we needed them to, and that was really it.
Smart LEDs, otherwise known as luminaires, are another story. Of course, energy efficiency and long life are obvious benefits of LEDs and have played a large role in their market adoption. But luminaires are highly advanced lighting units that combine LEDs with MCUs that integrate an RF receiver. The wireless components connect the lights to each other, forming a larger network that offers a host of benefits beyond energy reduction.
With connected lighting systems, excess light will soon become a thing of the past. We will no longer need lampshades, wall sconces, and other household fixtures to diffuse unnecessary light. The small size of LEDs will allow lamps to be integrated into our surroundings in subtle, unobtrusive ways that may be virtually invisible when the light is off.
For example, a bedside table has a surface that illuminates rather than using a tabletop lamp. And because LEDs are equipped with wireless connectivity and sensors, we’re essentially installing a network of small computers in our homes. Imagine getting out of bed in the middle of the night for a glass of water and instead of the blinding click of a bedside lamp, the gradual brightening of a hallway light illuminates the way. As you move through the house, the hallway light dims and the kitchen light gradually comes on, anticipating your path without you ever having to fumble in the dark for a switch.
The home experience obviously stands to benefit greatly from LED lighting. Of course, there are other convenient perks, such as lights coming on automatically as you come home from work or lights cycling on and off while you’re on vacation. Yet residential users can also benefit from simple voice controls and zonal automation. For example, you can talk to your lightbulb and extend Alexa’s availability into every room.
Probably one of the most important benefits of connected lighting at home is getting a good night’s rest. Connected LEDs can constantly adjust during the day to replicate the natural path and shifting color temperatures of the sun. When our internal body clocks are able to adapt to natural lighting signals that imitate the circadian cycles of light and dark, our bodies can adjust depending on the time of day. Studies show that getting the right amount light at the right time can result in 45 minutes of additional sleep each night with fewer disturbances. Instead of setting an alarm, you could set your bedroom lights to steadily brighten as your designated wake time nears. The light will begin decreasing melatonin and wake you naturally and on time. Exposure to natural light promotes sleep, increases productivity and improves our mood. Getting the right lighting system in your household can prevent disruptions to the circadian cycle, which is known to have a huge impact on a person’s overall health.
LED lighting can benefit indoor farming in a variety of ways. (Image source: Getty Images)
Beyond the home, numerous industries stand to gain significant benefits from connected lighting systems. Indoor farming, found to be 4,000 times more productive (in revenue) compared to conventional outdoor farming, is a growing industry already benefiting from connected lighting systems. By programming lighting formulas to the unique requirements of produce, growers can maximize yield and minimize energy consumption. And because LEDs don’t generate as much heat as traditional lamps, they can be placed in close proximity to plants to provide uniform coverage. Indoor farms are growing in popularity because they also use less water and energy than conventional farms, and they minimize the need for herbicides, pesticides, or preservatives. Another benefit is being able to construct indoor growing operations in close proximity to markets so the produce travels fewer miles, conserving fuel and delivering a fresher product.
In retail and commercial settings, location services and personalized beaconing are possible due to integration with analytics and cloud services. High-end luminaires in buildings and retail settings include temperature and light sensors that dynamically adjust the driver current controlling the amount of energy used to power the light over its lifetime. This feature ensures a consistent intensity and maintains perceived quality while extending the LED’s lifetime. External or internal light sensors provide a way to perform daylight harvesting by sampling and measuring the ambient light. The result is overhead lighting that dims and adjusts dynamically throughout the day. In addition to conserving energy , the mimicry of natural light cycles makes for a comfortable experience.
As more and more smart LEDs are arranged in our everyday lives, our life indoors will be significantly enhanced by these new large-scale connected lighting platforms. LED lighting technology stands to alter our indoor experience for the better by providing energy savings, agricultural gains, and serious health benefits, among many other benefits yet to be imagined.
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