
Smarter Lighting for Them, New Opportunities for You

Explore how LED lamps work perfectly on customers’ PoE networks

PoE gives customers everything traditional lighting doesn't: pinpoint control, smart dimmability, deep tracking information. But one thing is missing: LED lamps that can reliably handle PoE's voltage and other unique requirements.

The white paper, The Bright New Outlook For LEDs: New Drivers, New Possibilities , discusses how PoE powered lighting is changing the lighting industry and explore how smart, power-saving LED lamps fit into it. 

PoE Image for Maxim April Blog

In the white paper, learn:

• How PoE can finally fulfill the full promise and profitability of LED lighting;

• How LEDs can be paired with other key components on PoE, laying the groundwork for new Internet-of-Things (IoT) capabilities customers will love;

• How PoE makes light fixtures plug-and-play with standard RJ45 connector;

• How to make lighting part of your IT infrastructure so you can monitor, measure and control it.

PoE is the puzzle piece your customers with LED lighting have been waiting for. Get all the insight you need to take them to the next level. Download the white paper now.


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