Socket with pc board solves many packaging needs
Customizable socket can reroute circuit patterns, change footprints, and
even contain components
The Correct-A-Chip socket from Aries is a two-piece socket with a pc
board between the mating male and female halves. This design enables the
socket to perform a number of functions, in a single product, that
normally require several different sockets. With the socket, the user
creates in effect a daughterboard that saves the pc-board space normally
required by several different sockets–as much as 5 in.
For instance, the pc board can contain vias that reroute the pinouts
to another pattern. This is useful where the chip and board patterns may
have the identical number of pins but different pin patterns.
The socket also permits conversion from one package style to another,
such as from PLCC to PGA, SOIC to DIP, and surface-mount to through-hole.
Normally, separate adapter sockets are required for this task.
In addition, the socket can incorporate circuit components on the pc
board between the mating halves. This way, the user can easily upgrade or
change ICs, resistors, capacitors, and other circuit components depending
on application requirements, without having to redesign the motherboard.
Aries customizes the socket to the user's requirements with any
combination of circuits, traces, and functions. (Typical socket, $15
ea/500–4 to 6 weeks ARO.) Aries Electronics, Inc. Frenchtown, NJ Frank
Folmsbee 908-996-6841 Fax 908-996-3891
The Correct-A-Chip socket from Aries has a pc board between the mating
male and female portions that allows the user to reroute circuit traces,
add components, and convert from one footprint to another. The illustrated
socket has a DIP socket and a PLCC surface mounted to the pc board with
pins underneath connecting the user's pc board.