The TMS320F28379D and TMS320F28379S C2000 Delfino dual or single core industrial control SoCs enable simple interfacing to both digital and analog position sensors. By decoding on-chip, the ICs reduce communication latency, enabling faster control loop performance. They give designers the functionality needed to interface EnDat2.2, BiSS-C, resolver, and SIN/COS sensors.
The supporting DesignDRIVE hardware/software platform makes it easy to develop and evaluate solutions for a variety of industrial drive and servo topologies. The processors use 200 MHz 32-Bit CPUs with a floating point unit, a trigonometric math unit, a Viterbi/complex math unit (VCU-II), and two 16-bit programmable control law accelerators. They have 512 Kbytes or 1 Mbyte of flash and 172 or 204 Kbytes of RAM and up to four A/D converters. Both are available for sampling. Pricing starts at $17.20 ea/1,000.
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