Compliant with IEEE Std. 1149.x, ScanAssist interactive pin toggler enables the real-time activation and analysis of individually defined logic states directly in the target hardware without prior test program generation. It is complemented by the Scan Vision III interactive graphical visualizer that, in addition to providing native schematic and layout cross probing, applies a data-flow-oriented virtual schematic for interactive logic probing.
The tools can automatically identify potentially unsafe or hardware-harming vectors as well as logic states of non-boundary-scan nets and pins (cluster logic). The software work with the existing ScanAssist multimode debugger and integrates with the System Cascon boundary-scan software platform. (Free upgrade for System Cascon users under maintenance contractavailable 3rd qtr.)
Goepel electronic , Jena , Germany
Information 011-49-36-41-68-96-739
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