Software provides toolkit for embedded-instrumentation standard
The ScanWorks IJTAG platform for embedded instruments provides the first commercially available toolkit to automate development of validation and test routines based on the Internal JTAG (IEEE P1687 IJTAG) standard. The IJTAG standard will enable embedded validation, test and debug routines for chips, circuit boards, and systems that, for the first time, will be portable, and thus be reusable during every stage in the product lifecycle. Ratification of the standard is expected during the second half of 2011.
The IJTAG standard specifies an access architecture and protocol for instruments that are embedded into semiconductor chips. It also defines how these instruments can be managed, accessed and automated, and their output analyzed.
ScanWorks IJTAG provides tools that can read IJTAG’s two languages, Instrument Connectivity Language (ICL) and Procedural Description Language (PDL), and exercise embedded IJTAG instruments. ICL defines the connections among embedded instruments in chips and on circuit boards, while PDL is an extension of the popular Tcl (Tool command language) for programming validation, test, and debug vectors to be executed by IJTAG instruments.
The initial software release (developers license) targets developers who will be embedding IEEE P1687 IJTAG instruments and infrastructure capabilities into their devices, and validation and test engineers who will be applying IJTAG tests to circuit boards and systems. A beta version of the ScanWorks IJTAG toolkit has already been deployed by two equipment manufacturers and Flextronics, an electronic manufacturing services (EMS) firm. (From $14,000 — available 1st qtr 2011.)
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