
Software update bricks smart lock, leaving the IoT devices inoperable

Airbnb hosts, among others, were unable to gain access because of broken locks


By Heather Hamilton, contributing writer

A faulty software update left hundreds of LockState customers unable to access their locks last week thanks to what LockState called a fatal system error. The locks, which are a part of the Internet of Things, were suddenly inoperable, and customers took to Twitter to express their displeasure with both the failure and the resulting customer service.

CEO Nolan Mondrow sent an email to affected customers soon after the mishap. “After a software update was sent to your lock, it failed to reconnect to our web service, making a remote fix impossible,” he wrote.

Ars Technica reports that among the faulty devices were the RemoteLock 6i, which is part of an Airbnb partnership called Host Assist, leaving many hosts unable to remotely control locks. Threatpost received a statement from LockState saying that approximately 200 of the affected locks were for Airbnbs.

In a statement to Gizmodo, an Airbnb spokesperson said that the company didn’t have a tally of how many hosts had issues, but said that fewer than five have contacted them regarding the issue. “This issue has been 100% resolved,” they later said.

Last Monday, the company sent 6i lock models a firmware update intended for 7i locks, which left the 6i model unworkable — unable to be locked or receive over-the-air updates. In many cases, a product’s firmware will reject updates that are incompatible, but this is obviously not the case for the 6i lock. The company says that around 500 products were affected.

An article on Extreme Tech suggests that products like smart locks don’t even need firmware updates to begin with. “The entire point of an embedded product is that you can embed it and leave it to do its job,” wrote Joel Hruska. “Firmware updates should only be pushed to such products in extraordinary conditions (critical security flaws, or significant bug fixes, for example).”

Customers who have been impacted can either return the back part of the lock to the company so that they can update the firmware, which takes between five and seven days, or request a replacement interior lock, which takes between 14 and 18 days. In the meantime, customers can access their doors by using a physical key. The Verge also reports that LockState will pay for shipping and cover a year’s worth of premium subscription service.

This kerfuffle is just one of many problems ranging from privacy to cybersecurity in a long line of issues associated with the prevalence of the Internet of Things, which has made life both more convenient and more complicated. Now users are questioning the security and reliability of this device and others who rely on the cloud to perform. With increased demands for smooth service and functionality, manufacturers are under more pressure than ever to create products that function seamlessly across a variety of variables, including internet speed and access. The 6i typically sells for $549, but is currently priced at $469 — for that price, customers expect optimum functionality and service.

LockState Marketing Manager John Cargile told Ars Technica that the company has resolved the issue for approximately 85% of customers.

Sources: LockState,Ars Technica,Threatpost,Gizmodo,Extreme Tech,The Verge
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